Tips for the perfect Rolled Roast
1. Always start with meat at room temperature so take it out of the fridge 3 - 4 hours before cooking.
2. Remember to seal the roast in a frying pan to lock in the flavour before putting it in the oven.
3. Always allow meat to sit when it comes out of the oven for around 15-20 mins under some foil. This gives the meat time to go 'ahhhhh' while it relaxes its fibres and reabsorbs its juices.
Now - time for the gravy.
Christmas Cranberry Gravy
1. Take the meat out of the pan and set aside.
2. Put the pan on the heat, add the butter and stir in a tablespoon of flour to cook in the tasty juices.
3. Gradually stir in a pint of well flavoured beef stock and allow to thicken.
4. Stir in the cranberry and as an alternative to the usual red wine, a good slug of port brings a fabulous richness to the gravy.
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